Tuesday, January 22, 2008

timing is everything

So, my life is packed, again- 85 lbs of it strategically placed in two bags and a carryon of electronics. All is ready, yet I cannot go. My visa remains in-process at the South Africa consulate in DC. And I , I remain … trusting in full confidence that all will work out in the right time. I remain in awe of the grace given in the midst of having to reschedule flights and rearrange plans; the grace of remaining at home and present with family to grieve together the loss of a member. In this, my being is completely at peace. It seems that all things are working in just the right time, not necessarily my time or plan, but definitely the right time. One of the most significant times was yesterday morning-preaching my inaugural address from the pulpit was an affirming and beautiful experience. It was wonderful fellowship with my church family and my mom and aunt.
In thanksgiving for all things, always.

1 comment:

Leigh Nottingham and Jeff Sand said...

You're going to love having a place to write this stuff. I'm glad you've been given a good sense of peace. Can't wait to hear more...even just from California ;)
Love you!