Friday, July 25, 2008


19 June- 11 July Anna and I traveled South Africa's gorgeous Garden Route. There were some stunning views, beautiful people and lots of good times. We stopped at every farm stall to admire the homemade jams, mustards and other crafts, had a cup of tea in many of the small towns and just enjoyed life. We took a combination of buses, rental cars and returned to Durbs by plane. It was fantastic. We travelled the N2 along the eastern coast along the route until we got to a town called George, where we headed north to the Swartburg pass, the quaint town of Prince Albert and then along Route 62 into Cape Town.

Here are a few pictures of our journey.

Anna and I on the Salt River Trail in Nature's Valley. A 5 hour hike through the fields, forest and around the lagoon. Stunning.

A quick stop at the Kango Caves for a tour.

This is the Swatberg pass. One of my favorite days of the trip was taking this windy dirt pass up and over into Prince Albert. The red rock formation filled me with awe.

Top of the Pass :)

The westerly southernmost point on the continent. We spent the day hiking around the Cape of Good Hope imagining what it would have been like to have been on a passenger ship coming around the cape. We also stopped at Boulder Beach to admire the penguins and took the tour of Robben Island and Parliamen while in Cape Town.

Then the following week I hopped on a bus with Drew, Tom, Will headed to Maputo, capital of Mozambique for four days. It was a beautiful drive through South Africa, Swaziland and into Maputo. We went to the museums, ate amazing prawns on a deck overlooking the ocean and picked up some amazing sea shells.

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